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\n\tGet a prescription online for modafinil," said Ms. Heideman. "No."\n\nThe same day last year, Ms. Heideman told another customer that she intended to order a bottle of modafinil online. few days later, she said, was in her home office, filling orders, when she realized did not have one for modafinil. She emailed her pharmacy a copy of prescription that was supposed to confirm she a legitimate modafinil online pharmacy canada<\/b> customer. never received an answer, she said, nor did hear back from Health Canada.\n\n"You're making the
Modafinil generic brands<\/a> same mistakes everyone else is making," said Mr. Sarewitz, the psychiatrist. "You get a prescription and you make an attempt to get the product and you're unable to. Your pharmacy might be having a bad day. It could be that the pharmacy says, 'Hey, you're trying to use your card in a way that we do not condone.' I don't know that they what you're doing. You get a prescription and product you just forget to buy it."\n\nThere is no indication that Health Canada investigates or sanctions anyone who is found to be improperly issuing prescriptions online. Nor are there any regulatory steps the regulator can take if a pharmacy does know it's an online shop and knows its customers are sending prescriptions to themselves.\n\n"If we were to have a case go through the regulatory process," says Marc Labelle, a senior manager of pharmaceutical regulatory policies at Health Canada, "that's exactly how that would happen \u2014 you wouldn't know."\n\n"The rules are pretty clear; they should be clear" about price for modafinil 200mg online purchasing, says Mr. Labelle. "But there is a lack of enforcement."\n\nThe lack of monitoring is a stark contrast to online pharmacies in France, an example of which has recently been cited by the Canadian government. In 2013, an online pharmacy that was selling the stimulant modafinil to French customers was reported authorities, according to the Huffington Post. It was later shut down.\n\nMs. Heideman said she was not aware of any case where Health Canada, after looking into suspicious activity, found the pharmacies were violating regulations. Nor was she aware of any action that her company took. "We are not out there trying to cheat people; we're just trying to sell a good product," she said. "We're doing everything the same way."\n\nMs. Heideman said she understands why people fear online pharmacies are cheating people, but she was adamant that buying online is a legitimate way for people to buy medical products. She said that the pharmacy works for has not been selling or distributing drugs to minors and she's never met anyone with a prescription who was not under the age of 18.\n\n'No regulatory oversight at all'\n\nFor drug dealers like Mr. Stollmann, the online pharmacies pose a big business opportunity. "The more you diversify," he said, "the more people will come. One thing I've noticed is that everyone wants a good deal, no matter how many regulations are in place."\n\nThere are many reasons for the interest. Online pharmacies can offer a fast and free product, no prescriptions necessary, and they can be shipped for free through a regular shipping carrier. And the fact that they can, and with relative impunity, can operate without oversight has many drug dealers hoping to start their own operations.\n\nAnd even when regulated, online pharmacies can still run afoul of the law. An investigation by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 2014 found that, since 2007, nearly 400 prescriptions had been written to individuals in Ontario with no medical professional being involved, and nearly three-quarters of suppliers had no idea who was signing the prescriptions.\n\nThat was in 2009. Last winter, the CBC's Marketplace, which investigates Canada's drug industry, reported that in Quebec, nearly 100 of the nation's largest online pharmacies were selling prescription-only drugs.\n\nIn 2012, Ontario became the first province where use of prescription-only drugs (that is, the same brand of drug) was banned for online pharmacies. As a result, Canada's online pharmacies are increasingly being regulated according to a stricter set Modafinil 200mg 180 pills \tUS$ 590.00 \tUS$ 3.28 of laws than they have been in the past. When Health Canada became involved, it required online pharmacies to register with both it and is there a generic for modafinil provincial regulators.\n\nThe rules that govern pharmacy licensing and business licences are complex, but an online pharmacy must ensure, among other things, that "they are in the business of selling only legal, prescription-only drugs," and that "they have a valid and current prescription." (Online pharmacies that make it through a licence application process are allowed dispensing online prescriptions as long they are not allowed to dispense patients who are outside Canada.) Online pharmacies also forced to make sure that the websites they distribute to are "accessible and usable in print electronic form".\n\nHealth Canada has recently been.\n\t\t
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